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Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m 1/16-3/8oz

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Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML este o lanseta ce combina cu succes atat pescuitul de finete dar si puterea lansetei in drill. Are delicatetea de a lucra excelent cu naluci usoare dar si puterea necesara de a controla pesti trecuti de prima tinerete.  Recomandata in pescuitul cu jiguri si naluci siliconice la biban/salau, o lanseta super senzitiva. 


Lungime: 2.08m

Clasa: ML

Actiune: Regular Fast

Greutate: 98gr

Sectiuni: dintr-o bucata

Potrivita pentru: 1.77 gr - 10.5 gr

Fir recomandat: 4-10 lb / PE: 0.5 - 1.2 

Blank mai tenace, operare confortabilă, senzitivitate la superlativ. Graphiteleader vă poate oferi cele mai bune lansete necesare performanței pentru pescuitul real.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Prin țeserea fibrelor de carbon încrucișate în direcția de 45°, este turnat mai gros, îmbunătățind în același timp uniformitatea și direcționalitatea densității laminate decât țesătura, astfel încât este potrivită pentru rezistență împotriva îndoirii, răsucirii și compresiei. Va demonstra caracteristici și mai bune. Drept urmare, lansetele au o revenire rapida (forța de restabilire a formei), astfel încât pierderile de energie sunt menținute la minimum și se realizează senzația de joc, balansare bună, distanță de aruncare, precizie.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Țesătura compozită din fibră Kevlar și fibră de carbon are o rezistență ridicată și o rezistență excelentă la impact. Are o rezistență și o senzație remarcabile, care nu ar putea fi realizate numai cu carbon. 
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Esagonale Graphite Cloth is a 6-axis cloth fabric with carbon slit tape assembled to form a hexagon. Medium Elasticity High strength and high elasticity Carbon fiber is made to exhibit the most superior performance in terms of physical properties and contributes to the strength increase of the fishing rod as a three dimensional structure. In addition, this multi-axis assembly fabric is the highest and strongest multiaxial assembly fabric that can be tenaciously received flexibly against force from all directions.
* Adopted only for fishing rods
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Lightweight Graphite Cloth is the super lightweight fabric that has the lightest weight among fabrics. With the feeling of graphite cloth intact, the degree of freedom of layout increases, bringing a new feeling.
* Adopted only for fishing rods
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
This 4-axis cloth is a unique 4-axis cloth made by Olympics and it is possible to make a blank with light feeling of rigidity by inclining the angle of fiber diagonally arranged to 63.4 ° and making it higher density. A multi-axis structure by combination with other 4-axis cloth and plain weave carbon can realize a blank performance with even higher performance.
* Adopted only for fishing rods
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
The difference with graphite cloth is weight and molded thickness. It is a thin fabric made up of about 10% lighter weight, while maintaining the fiber composition ratio of vertical and horizontal. Unlike graphite cloth, it looks like a graphic pattern, which is also a feature of the carbon pattern, and it also has a visual impact that it is light but strong.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Super Quattro Graphite Cloth in which the fiber is wound with precise fine pitch and the modulus of the fibers in each direction is made high and the movement performance has been remarkably improved.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
The only weak point of the graphite cloth that produces a feeling cannot be achieved with unidirectional fibers alone was the weight. However, when considering the layout that combines the balancer, an outstanding feeling was born. By changing the angle with respect to the blank, we were able to adjust the balance of twist / crush stiffness so that the best feeling is born.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
We raised the elastic modulus of graphite fiber more than graphite cloth and made it much lighter. It is a high grade fabric that contributes greatly to light weight while maintaining excellent mechanical properties that are characteristic of cross substrate, increasing the degree of freedom for layout on a lightweight shaft. Medium elastic carbon fibers woven vertically and horizontally generate high rigidity in all directions, pushing up the potential of the shaft to a better one.
* adopted only for golf shaft


Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
We looked back on the carbon prepreg material and focused on the resin which is another material that makes up the carbon fiber and prepreg. Therefore, by using a high-performance prepreg (carbon fiber resin impregnated sheet) combining “Torayca” T1100G” and “NANOALLOY” technology applied matrix resin, it is possible to greatly increase the flexural modulus while maintaining the toughness has been achieved.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Carbon fiber “Torayca” T1100G of Toray Industries, Inc., which achieved both high strength and high modulus, is the highest strength carbon fiber developed for the next generation aerospace.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08mToray’s “NANOALLOY” technology is an innovative technology realizing the effect of improving elastic modulus while maintaining toughness about the elastic modulus and fracture toughness of resin which are conflicting and difficult to achieve compatibility.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m

OLYMPIC Sensitivity System

The goodness or badness of the “sensitivity” of the rod was understood after actually making the rod. Also how it felt was varied by anglers, and the method of evaluation was not established either. In order to “digitize the sensitivity”, we tried many prototypes, sensitivity measurements and actual fishing. And finally succeeded in digitizing ‘sensitivity’. “O.S.S.” (OLYMPIC Sensitivity System) was born.
Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m
With this system, it became possible to provide a rod with the numerical value standardized under the same condition. Experiments are carried out with the target fish of each rod, but here we introduce the experimental history of the rockfish rod.

◆Human hand can detect frequency

Meissner corpuscles and Pacinian corpuscles in the human subcutaneous can detect frequency (vibration). These receptors are concentrated especially on the fingertips. Human frequency discrimination ability was tested at 15 Hz to 120 Hz, and there is a test result that it was possible to discriminate in the range of ± 20% in all frequency ranges. From this report, it is possible to conduct an experiment based on that the sensitivity of the rod can be perceived by humans as frequency.
※ The number of each corpuscle and reactions are very different among individuals.

◆There are two kinds of bites

Firstly, we decided to first measured the actual Mebal’s bite. In this experiment, two other rods made by other companies and GOFS-762UL-T , GOFS-762UL-TG + (large number of guides) , GOFS-762UL-TG + (small number of guides) were used. We decided to display the bite frequency on a PC with a line graph using FFTanalyzer (Fast Fourier Transform) and Measuring Amp (Acceleration Sensor). 1.4 g jig head in 3 lb Fluoro line are used for the takles. Then, in this experiment, we could confirm 8 times bites for each rod, total of 40 times bites, it was able to be roughly divided into two patterns. First is “Suction / Inversion Type” in the graph of ①, and the other is “Tracking / Tailoring Type” in ②. As the difference in waveform comes out, you can see that different frequencies are occurring.

◆Each bite’s frequency

As a result of calculating the frequency of the bite transmitted to the rod from the vibration acceleration graph described above, mainly “sucking / inverting type” has a frequency from 6 to 18 Hz. In the case of D company’s tubular rod, the trajectory of bite is only once and it represented the trajectory of bite. For this reason, it is not important to hang at very tightly with such a low frequency bite, but how to hook it automatically with soft tip. Another tracking / bending type was found to be in the frequency range from 30 to 40 Hz. Since there is a clear difference in the graph depending on the rod in this area, how to feel the bite in this area is the condition of the high sensitive rod.

◆Difference in feeling affects difference in natural frequency

An object vibrates at a fixed frequency when it gives a shock. This is called the natural frequency. Generally, the harder things have the higher frequency and the softer things have the lower frequency. Of course, fishing rods also have the natural frequency, and the measured frequency is Table 3. The sinker 2 is attached to the 3 lb Fluoro line and the average value of 64 times which played the thread with the finger is displayed. It can be said obviously only the rod of MC company is a rod with natural frequency biased to the low frequency region when looking at it. It is thought that the difference in natural frequency of each rod is one of the causes of the different feelings of bites.

◆The resonance makes bites clearer

There is a phenomenon called “resonance”. “Resonance” means that the amplitude becomes the largest when the natural frequency and the externally applied frequency coincide. In the other words, when the bite’s frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the rod, it becomes a resonance state and “high sensitivity”. When looking at the frequency of the two bites and the natural frequency graph of ③, it is difficult for the MC company’s rod to feel the bite of “tracking and pecking type”. Finnzza can feel the both bites because it has its own actions on both the tubular top and the solid top. Especially at the bite of 30-40 Hz of “tracking / pecking type”, the difference can be clearly seen. As a result, even solid top can achieve high sensitivity comparable to a tubular depending on the action setting. Differences in sensitivity depending on the number of guides in Finezza could not be seen in this experiment.

◆The difference becomes clearer when comparing by attenuation ratio

In addition to the above experiments, we also paid attention to attenuation factor and sensitivity. The damping rate is the speed and magnitude of the vibration decaying. Even if the bite comes, vibration converges instantly if the attenuation factor is high with respect to the bite’s frequency. In other words, it becomes difficult to feel as vibration with your hands. We checked the attenuation factor of each rod against the measured pecking type bite (about 30 Hz) using a vibrator, which was consistent with the ranking ranked from actual use feeling. Since it can be digitized in a fairly clear form, so it is a powerful method as one way of measuring sensitivity.

And also for the golf shaft

The shaft of a golf club has been asked for flex, torque, kick point, weight, but sensitivity has not been regarded as much importance so far, hasn’t it? Of course, elements other than sensitivity are also important, but the sensitivity of the shaft makes a reliable shot to utilize the characteristics of them. Feel the good or bad of the shot with your hand, instantly judge the work of the shaft, and feed it back to the next shot. Sensitivity makes it possible. The know-how nourished in the development of the fishing rod is utilized for high sensitivity shaft production as GSS (Graphiteleader Sensitivity System).

Lanseta Graphiteleader VIGORE 20GVIGS-610ML R-FAST 2.08m